The Best Place For Artists To Establish Their Talent


    A website that features your work establishing yourself as an artist. The internet has a platform for artists to share and promote their work. Potential clients, gallery owners, collectors, or art directors will look at the website. It’s frequently where people first get a sense of who you are and what your art is all about.

    For instance, some websites are solely concerned with selling tracks, but others are more interested in creating communities and attracting new fans. Some can automatically interface with your band website, saving time and allowing you to centralise statistics while streamlining your marketing and sales activities.

    What are the top music hosting places for musicians? 

    We suggest beginning with these four:


    Fans should be able to find all of your music on your website if there is someplace online where they may do so. When you create a music Click this website, you own and own that small portion of the internet. A dedicated page to sell your music online will ensure that anyone seeking it online can find it there.

    One of the solutions for hosting your music on a website is Bandzoogle. You keep all proceeds from the music because it was for musicians. You can also present and market your music any way you choose, whether through streaming, free song downloads, a set fee, or allowing your audience to set the price. Create a professional website in a matter of clicks where you may commission-free sell music! Create a music website right now with Bandzoogle.


    Independent musicians love using Bandcamp. The platform does an excellent job of promoting music discovery among listeners, plus it is free to upload and sell your music there (fewer fees). Thousands of artists and record labels sell their music to millions of followers worldwide through the Bandcamp platform.

    If you have songs on Bandcamp, visit this website for more information. You can effortlessly integrate your Bandcamp music to your Bandzoogle-powered website without having to reupload tracks or use additional apps or widgets. The Bandcamp music player will automatically change to fit the theme of your website, even if you make changes to your design.


    Fans and musicians utilise SoundCloud in big and active numbers. If you want to create a community, especially if you like the notion of fans and other musicians commenting on your tracks, this is an excellent place to host your music.

    On SoundCloud, share and make money off your music as a creator. You also get access to specific information about your downloads, plays, likes, comments, and reposts. 


    Having your music accessible on YouTube as a platform for music discovery can only be advantageous to you. People browsing for your music online will be aware that any tunes you directly upload to your YouTube account are the official, high-quality ones.

    Making playlists out of your uploads will make it much easier for people to follow you. It’s a great way to increase view time and your chances of making money while gradually introducing listeners to more of your music that they might not have heard.


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