Water You Waiting For? Combat Dehydration in the Workplace

Dehydration in the Workplace

Employees spend an average of 38 hours at work; this shows how essential a job is to our livelihood. Without the paycheck, employees can’t afford the necessary things that sustain them. To stay fit for work, employees have some habits they follow, but sometimes, meetings and busy schedules can make keeping this habit difficult.- Dehydration in the Workplace

Food, water, and quality air are the three most important things employees need to stay productive. Of course, some other factors are needed, but without food which gives energy and water that makes employees stay hydrated, we won’t be bothered about other factors.

Water is an essential part of what keeps humans alive, and lack of water can cause a severe level of dehydration which is terrible for one’s health.

Tips On How To Combat Dehydration At Work

Dehydration does not only happen when your body loses water; it occurs when your body uses more water than the intake. When dehydration sets in, your body won’t be able to function normally.

The simplest way to avoid this condition is to stay hydrated by taking water regularly and monitoring how much water you lose when you urinate or sweat. 

1. Keep Water At Your Desk- Dehydration in the Workplace

To avoid dehydration at your workplace, get a bottle to take water to work and make sure the bottle is always by your side to make drinking easy. Sip water frequently as it aids digestion and moistens your mouth to prevent bad odor.

For employees that sit in front of a computer all day, it is necessary to sip water every hour to reduce eye strain and also prevent headaches. Additionally, taking water regularly means one thing; your bladder will get filled frequently; take your time to visit the toilet whenever the urge arises.

Emptying your bladder when necessary is also vital to your health, just like staying hydrated at work.

2. Take Water Breaks 

Most organizations give their employees water breaks to cool their heads after strenuous work activities. You can use this period to gulp down a few cups of water from the reverse osmosis system provided by the company and brainstorm with your colleagues about the progress of your work.

The reverse osmosis system is a water filter that removes chlorine and sediments from water to enhance safe drinking.

After a well-spent water break, your brain and body will be fully prepared to face any challenge with focus and determination.

Water break is essential, as we’ve seen with football during the pandemic. The body governing football had to introduce water breaks for players and the officiating personnel for them to stay hydrated and also reduce the contraction of the virus.

3. Take Fruits That Contain Water

Twenty percent of the water we take daily comes directly from the food we eat. Eating more fruits like cucumber and watermelon increases the hydration level in your body and makes you stay energized.

When going for a lunch break, eat more foods with high water levels. Spend more time eating to gain more strength rather than talk with colleagues.

4. Be An Advocate

There is nothing more fulfilling than advocating for people to make things easier. During meetings and training, be an advocate for your colleagues and boss to take water breaks. Take time to explain the importance of staying hydrated during work and how it will boost their productivity

Also, emphasize how important it is to have harmful elements and other impurities removed from potable water. This will give your employer an insight into a reverse osmosis system for a safer and more productive workplace.


The issue of dehydration at work is a silent battle that employees have been fighting for a long time. Most companies just provide the equipment needed for work, and no provision is made for the welfare of the employees.

Provision of potable water and water breaks is just as important as work itself since employees won’t be able to work if they are not fit. As an employee, it is incumbent on you to make preparations to stay hydrated at the workplace and also advocate for your colleagues. 

Lastly, add lemon to your potable water to enhance the taste and to replenish lost electrolytes like sodium and potassium.



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