How is Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Beneficial for You?


    In Australia, allied health workers make up approximately one-third of the entire health workforce and deliver hundreds of millions of essential services each and every year. The people working in allied health are not doctors, dentists, nurses or other medical specialists but those working in the allied health sector perform roles that often see them working in conjunction with other healthcare professionals.

    Professions such as physiotherapy, disability support, aged care and counselling, to name just a few occupations, come under the umbrella of allied health. Many people with a variety of disabilities have successful careers in allied health and there are suitable jobs for people with bipolar and other mental or physical conditions.

    One of the best ways to get started in a career in allied health is to successfully complete the Certificate III In Allied Health Assistance course. If you’re interested in allied health, let’s take a look at how this course can benefit you.

    You Can Gain An Entry-Level Position

    After successfully completing the Certificate 3 course, it allows you to apply for entry-level positions in the varied field of allied health as an assistant to other experienced allied health professionals.

    There are numerous professions in allied health and all of them perform vital roles in patient care, well-being and quality of life. As an allied health assistant, you’ll discover that there are actually quite a lot of roles you can apply for and as you perform your assistant role, you’ll learn even more about the industry.

    After completing your qualification, you may decide to become an assistant for an occupational therapist, podiatrist, physiotherapist and more.

    Use the Qualification As a Stepping Stone To Higher Level Courses

    Like many certificate courses in Australia, once you have successfully completed one, it can be used as a stepping stone to then enrol in higher-level courses to further your education and enhance your career prospects.

    The Course Can Be Completed Part Time Or Full Time

    One major advantage of the Certificate III In Allied Health Assistance course is that you have options. The course can be accomplished in just 12 months full-time or, if you prefer, you can take 24 months to finish the course on a part-time basis.

    The course is made up of 8 core units and 3 elective units and you can study at your own pace, so long as you commit to 20-30 hours per week full-time or 10-15 hours per week part-time. The course also includes a minimum of 80 hours of work placement for on-the-job training.

    There Are No Official Entry Requirements

    Provided you are proficient in English (written and verbal), have good numeracy skills and have access to a computer and the internet, you’ll be good to go. The only other requirement is to complete a student profile to be accepted into the course.

    Allied Health Is a Fast Growing Sector

    In fact, it’s one of the fastest-growing sectors of the Aussie job market. This is great news, as it means those who are considering entering the field as an allied health assistant will discover there is no shortage of jobs or opportunities to advance their careers.

    Allied health covers a broad spectrum of career paths, so even working as an assistant, you’ll find many employment opportunities. Your chances of finding yourself unemployed once entering this field are very low.

    You’ll Make a Difference In the Lives Of Others

    Working as an assistant in allied health alongside other allied health professionals, your daily duties will see you making an important difference in the lives of others. Whether a patient requires physiotherapy to recover from an injury or someone with a disability needs in-home support, your efforts will go a long way towards improving the quality of life of every patient you work with.

    A career in allied health is a rewarding one on a personal level and it can also lead to living a very comfortable and stable lifestyle.

    The Wrap

    A career in allied health is well worth considering and the easiest way to gain entry into this rapidly growing industry is to complete the Certificate III In Allied Health Assistance course. It will be the start of a bright new future.


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