Non Hormonal Birth Control

    Non Hormonal Birth Control

    Non-hormonal contraceptives include spermicides. They do not provide adequate protection when used alone (unless fertility has already been significantly reduced) but are suitable for use with barrier methods. Spermicides contain two components: a substance that destroys sperm and a carrier that can inhibit sperm activity. Petroleum jelly, oil, and oil-based vaginal preparations can reduce latex condoms and diaphragms; it will provide neither contraception nor protection from sexually transmitted diseases. This article gives you all information about non-hormonal birth control. Here is Estrogen Patch.

    An antiseptic agent benzalkonium chloride is used, which has a spermicidal effect due to damage to the sperm membrane; the effect develops after 8-10 minutes (tablets), 5 minutes (vaginal suppositories), 3 minutes (cream), or immediately after insertion into the vagina (tampon).

    • Hypersensitivity, cervical erosion, salpingo-oophoritis, colpitis, vaginitis, and developmental anomaly make it difficult to use spermicides.
    • Side effects. Irritation of mucous membranes, incl. Itching, burning sensation, contact dermatitis, candidiasis, vulvovaginitis, allergic vaginitis.

    What is the “Persona” method of contraception?

    In the list of innovative contraceptive methods, a note of merit goes to the modern contraceptive “Persona.” It is a mini device – the structure of which resembles that of a small laptop – capable of revealing a woman’s potentially fertile and non-fertile days by analyzing her hormonal levels.

    Just like the traffic lights, the “Person” medical device indicates the “danger of pregnancy ” with the red color – therefore the “stop” to unprotected sexual intercourse – and with the green color the “green light,” or the relative certainty. To be able to make love without experiencing unwanted conception.

    The couple can decide whether to avoid or consume a relationship in the so-called “red days” (in which the woman has a high chance of conceiving). In other words, the man and woman who want children should prefer the “red days” to attempt a conception; conversely, the couple who, at the moment, do not want them should refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse during the days indicated by the same color.


    Using the device properly, following the pharmacist’s instructions, doctor, and label to the letter. The reliability of Persona (used as a contraceptive method) is 94%. However, we remind you that no contraceptive method – apart from complete sexual abstinence – guarantees 100% contraceptive efficacy.

    The reliability of the Persona contraceptive method may be compromised or altered if the woman has recently breastfed if she has recently given birth. Similarly, a possible pregnancy that has not gone to a good term and the concomitant. Intake of some pharmacological specialties could alter the method’s reliability. In the cases described above, the woman will have to wait for at least two consecutive (natural) menstrual cycles lasting between 23 and 35 days.

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    Each Persona pack contains:

    • Interactive touch screen monitor with lid, which reveals the “green” (non-fertile) and “red” (judged fertile) days
    • A series of sticks for the collection of urine

    Operation and method of use

    We have seen that Persona analyzes hormonal changes from a urine sample to identify the woman’s potentially fertile and infertile days. But how and at what moment can we proceed with the urine analysis?

    On first use, the woman must collect a urine sample using special disposable sticks 16 times (on day 6 and from day 9 to day 23) to allow the monitor to learn the menstrual cycle trend, thus calculating adequate red and green days.

    Starting from the second month, it will be sufficient to repeat the urine test only 8 times (to be replicated during each menstrual cycle). It is the same device that signals when necessary to undergo the test: the yellow light that lights up on the monitor indicates the need to carry out the urine test.


    Many women use the Persona method to avoid a momentarily unwanted pregnancy for various reasons:

    • Acting in harmony with the woman’s body, the Persona method is free of side effects and does not require drug administration.
    • It is easy to use
    • It is indicated for women who do not consider pregnancy an unacceptable event.
    • So it is a valid contraceptive alternative to the classic pharmacological (hormonal) contraceptive methods.
    • Suitable for women who cannot tolerate side effects from other contraceptive methods
    • Indicated for stable relationships
    • It is readily available in pharmacies or on the web and does not require a prescription.

    Disadvantages and contraindications

    Like any contraceptive method, Persona also has some disadvantages. First of all, the instrument requires the “urine test” (at least) 8 times during each menstrual cycle, not always well appreciated by the woman; furthermore, given the 6% possibility of method failure, the couple should ask themselves whether a hypothetical pregnancy would be an acceptable event or not.

    It should not be forgotten, then, that Persona is not suitable for occasional and/or multiple intercourses because, just like hormonal and natural contraceptive methods, it does not protect in any way from sexually transmitted diseases.

    Women who have a menstrual cycle that is too short (shorter than 23 days) or too long (more than 35 days) should avoid using the Persona method because it would be unreliable.

    Persona is not indicated for women following hormonal therapies (e.g., taking the contraceptive pill), hormone replacement therapies (to control menopausal symptoms), or fertility treatments. The administration of certain medicinal products may also interfere with the menstrual cycle by altering the serum (blood) concentration of hormones. Particular attention must be paid to the intake of antibiotics such as tetracycline. In such situations, it is advisable to suspend using the Persona contraceptive method and possibly use others. Mechanical contraceptives (such as male condoms or female condoms). Those who wish can resume using Persona at the end of the tetracycline’s therapy.

    Furthermore, the Persona contraceptive method is contraindicated in the presence of renal/hepatic insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, or symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes ).

    We remind you once again that the reliability of the Persona contraceptive method is not equal to 100% (as is the case, moreover, for the other contraceptive methods): therefore, if a pregnancy were to constitute a serious problem, it is not recommended to use the Person method.

    Methods for birth control and sexual freedom of women: Non Hormonal Birth Control

    A distinction must be made between contraceptive methods and those that also protect against the infection of STDs. Among the most common, the only method that protects women from STIs is the condom. The other methods only prevent unwanted pregnancies, more or less effectively.

    Female condom

    These are small polyurethane sheaths inserted inside the vagina to cover its inner walls and some parts of the vulva. This creates a reservoir for the ejaculated spermatozoa, which prevents them from reaching the egg.

    • This method helps prevent STDs, as it reduces the chances of coming into contact with semen or skin, resulting in contagion.
    • It is often used because it is cheap, does not require a prescription, and is easy to apply. It is essential to follow the instructions and position it correctly to perform its functions optimally.

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    Subcutaneous contraceptive implant

    It is a thin rod that the gynecologist will place under the skin of the arm. Its action mechanism consists of releasing progestin hormones that make the cervix’s mucus thicker, thus preventing the sperm from reaching the egg. It is effective for about five years and is an effective and safe method.

    Intrauterine spiral (IUD)

    The IUD is a small T-shaped device implanted inside the cervix with the help of a healthcare professional. There are two types: copper and hormonal. Both prevent unwanted pregnancies as they interact with the movements of the sperm. So that they do not come into contact with the egg. The main differences between the two types are as follows:

    • The copper IUD acts as a spermicide by increasing copper ions, which inhibit spermatozoa’s mobility.
    • The hormonal IUD secretes the progestogen hormone to thicken the cervical mucus, similar to the subcutaneous implant.

    They don’t have a permanent effect, so remove it if you’re trying to get pregnant.

    Other methods

    There are other effective non hormonal birth control methods, including the birth control pill, ring, or patch. They require more caution when applying or administering, so they have a greater error margin than IUD and implant. For example, in the case of the pill, remember to take it every day.

    Finally, it is important to opt for a non hormonal birth control method that is suitable for your needs and lifestyle. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for advice to find the one that’s right for you.

    Methods for non hormonal birth control and sexual freedom in men

    There are far fewer sexual protective devices for men today than there are for women. As with the female condom, it is essential to apply it correctly to be sure that it is effective. It is a surgical procedure that blocks the ducts. That carries sperm from the scrotum to the outside, ensuring pregnancy prevention. It is a permanent contraceptive method, therefore, highly effective.

    Our sex life and our medical history will lead us to opt for one method rather than another. Do you have any doubts about it? Talk to your doctor or gynecologist. They will certainly advise you and give you the correct information on the different methods to control births and enjoy your sexual freedom.

    How to avoid unwanted pregnancies: Non Hormonal Birth Control

    The contraceptive methods aim to prevent the egg’s fertilization by the sperm, thus avoiding unwanted pregnancies and better planning family life. Their use is encouraged in many countries, including to cope with population growth.

    The ancient methods

    Men and women began to wonder how they could avoid having unwanted children and better plan family life long before population growth became a problem for the world. There is a long list of bizarre, rarely effective remedies developed by many ancient peoples. In the 2nd century AD, Sorano of Ephesus, considered the father of gynecology, the branch of medicine that deals with the female sexual apparatus, recommended that its patients use herbal infusions and jump immediately after sexual intercourse to prevent the male semen from fertilizing them. The remedy did not work, and neither was it necessary to wear amulets.

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    How contraceptives work

    Contraceptive (or contraceptive) methods are designed to prevent conception in couples who do not want to have children and are divided into natural, mechanical, and chemical (or pharmacological ).

    Natural methods do not require the use of devices or drugs. Those who practice them avoid sexual intercourse when the woman is fertile, relying on the regularity of the female cycle or resorts to the so-called interrupted coitus, which consists of interrupting the intercourse before the emission of the spermatozoa. However, among the contraceptive methods, the natural ones are not the most effective: in fact, in women, ovulation can also occur in unforeseen periods (however, some systems allow you to keep the trend of the menstrual cycle under control), while in interrupted coitus there is a risk that some spermatozoa, which could be released in the early stages of intercourse, still reach the egg cell and fertilize it.

    The mechanical systems can act during intercourse, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg cell, or after the sexual act, preventing the fertilized egg from adhering to the uterus wall and thus starting the pregnancy. The spiral is part of the second group: a plastic or copper device that the doctor inserts directly into the uterus.

    But the real revolution in contraceptives dates back to the early fifties of the 20th century. When the doctor Gregory Pincus and the chemist Carl Djerassi, both from the United States, invented the so-called pill: the first contraceptive drug. The pill contains Estrogen Patch and progestogen, the same hormones that regulate women’s menstrual cycles. Properly dosed, these substances block ovulation and make the uterus unsuitable for implantation of the fertilized egg. The pill is more than 99% effective.

    Too many men in the world

    The use of contraceptives is the most effective tool for planning births and controlling population growth. At a worrying rate: in fact, if at the beginning of the twentieth century. It amounted to one billion and 600 million people, in 2005 it reached more than 6 billion and 400 million.

    China (v. Also China, history ), with a billion and 300 million inhabitants, is the most populous country globally. Their non hormonal birth controls his government began in the late seventies, the ‘one-child policy, ‘which taxes couples with more than one child. This policy, however, has increased the number of abortions and infanticides in the country.

    It is an alarming figure because, certainly, the planet’s resources will not be sufficient. To guarantee—the subsistence of such an impressive number of human beings.

    However, not all regions of the earth grow in the same way. And there is a concern because fewer and fewer children are born, and the population is aging. The population increase is more marked in developing countries, where contraceptive methods are struggling to establish themselves. Because their husbands are against them or because their traditions and religion discourage birth control systems.

    Contraception and religions

    The attitude of the different religions on the use of contraceptives varies. That of the Catholic Church is rather rigid. In fact, the Church of Rome believes that the sexual act must be aimed solely at procreation. Therefore, it considers abstinence (i.e., renouncing sexual relations) a permissible method for not having children. However, there are also less intransigent positions, which admit natural methods based on calculating the woman’s fertile periods. Protestants already in 1930 sanctioned that contraceptive methods are not sinning; analogous to theirs is Orthodox Christians’ position.

    In the Jewish religion, the teaching of the Bible “grow and multiply” seems to forbid the use of contraceptives. Still, the most modern interpretations go in the opposite direction, and recourse to contraceptive methods is. However, admitted even by the most ardent conservatives when pregnancy can put a woman’s health at risk.

    In several Islamic countries, family planning (i.e., the ability to decide how many children to have and when) is indeed encouraged. Finally, the main oriental religion, Buddhism, admits the use of contraceptives.

    Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.


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